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Cixi Meikai Auto Parts Factory

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After the car has run over 60000 km, I don't want to scrap the engine, so I need to replace these five parts
2021-03-08   author:admin

Maintenance is a crucial link for a car. I think many car owners often hear that even when you go to the 4S store, the staff will remind you after how many kilometers our car has been driven. Now let's sum up. After you've driven 60000 km, the parts of your car must be replaced. The old driver said: if you can't, the engine of your car is likely to be scrapped in advance.

1. Brake pads. In fact, the brake pad should be replaced in time. You can imagine its importance. In fact, you can't wait until you run 60000 kilometers to replace it. This part can even determine the occurrence of a traffic accident. For those car owners who have bad driving habits, it is very expensive to use brake pads, so we must observe and replace them in time. Don't let it break down a little bit.

2. Three filters. The so-called three filters are nothing more than fuel filter, oil filter and air filter. When your car runs over 60000 kilometers, the life of these things will be almost the same. You can calculate according to your last cycle of replacing the three filters. Generally, the oil filter is replaced every 5000 km, the air filter is replaced every 10000 km, and the fuel filter is replaced every 20000 km or once a year.

3. Full vehicle oil. Antifreeze, engine oil, transmission oil and brake oil are very important for automobile engine. Many car owners must be aware of this point. Here we still want to emphasize the brake oil. Its function is to ensure that the brake does not break down and play the role of lubrication. Generally, the transmission oil can be changed at about 20000 km.

4. Tires. The replacement of tires should also be based on the actual situation. If the car's tires are well protected, they don't need to be replaced frequently. It's no problem to replace them at 60000 km. However, everyone's tires are seriously worn. If they often drive on roads with complicated road conditions, they should be prepared to replace them at any time. It is very likely that there will be a hidden danger of tire burst, which is very dangerous.

5. Spark plug. The spark plug seems to be a very small part, but it plays a big role. Once it breaks down, it will lead to more carbon deposition in the engine, and the car will not start a fire. So we still need to observe frequently. In fact, to sum up, 60000 km seems to be just a gimmick. As long as these parts of the car break down, you can replace them at any time. There is no need to wait for 60000 km. Finally, I hope these can only help you.




地址: 62 Beixi Road, Tianyuan Town, Zhouxiang Town, Cixi City

手机: 13884481024

联系: Mr.Chen




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